Pricing is customized for your marketing campaign based on several components including: Length and style of video, email content, landing page and the duration/quantity of the campaign (e.g., multiple videos over time). Want to learn more or receive a custom quote? Just email us at or click on the Contact button.
Yes, in fact, you must only use your own list. We offer two email send options: Option 1: Send using your own email server or independent service You select the list/recipients and perform the send Option 2: Send using our hosted email sending service Growth Marketing 360 performs the send to your verified permission-based email list that we have assisted you in creating. This process ensures that the list meets applicable laws regarding spam.
Not sure if your list is okay to use through our hosted email sending service? We’re glad you asked. Our hosted service is a tool for sending permission-based email marketing messages to recipients located in the United States. It’s not for sending to people who have never heard of you. We’ve got nothing against sales people sending emails to prospects, but you will need to use your own server, not our hosted solution. Here are some common scenarios that’ll help you decide whether or not your list is okay to use with our hosted email sending service. Growth Marketing 360 can assist you in creating a verified permission-based email list. Contact us for more information.
We’re glad you asked this important question. Growth Marketing 360 supports and allows only permission-based email marketing practices to recipients located in the United States. We do not allow the sending of unsolicited commercial email, or “spamming,” through our hosted service. All Growth Marketing 360 clients are required to abide by all relevant laws regarding email marketing, including the CAN-SPAM Act. We believe strongly that the law promotes responsible, professional, customer-focused practices that benefit both customers and legitimate marketers. Marketing materials produced by Growth Marketing 360 will include the features required for compliance. We have the following policies and procedures in place to help detect and prevent spam from being sent through our hosted service: Confirmed Opt-in Tools– we offer tools for our customers to create...
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You may only send bulk, commercial emails to people and entities that either: Gave you written (including electronic) permission to send Emails to them, have not withdrawn that permission, and: Gave you that permission in the past 12 months; or Didn’t object to promotional content you sent them in the past 12 months. Gave you their name and email address in connection with a purchase, or negotiations to purchase, a product or service from you, have not opted out from receiving your emails, and either: Purchased something from you or negotiated a purchase from you in the past 12 months; or Didn’t object to promotional content you sent them in the past 12 months. If you send Emails to a list and you get an...
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Here are some steps you can take to avoid accidentally becoming a spammer: Sending your first campaign to an old list? Some recipients won’t remember you, and they’ll report you for spamming. Remind them who you are and how they got on your list in the first place. Contact Growth Marketing 360 to help you through the process of reactivating inactive subscribers / contacts and create a verified permission-based email list. Importing from a CRM? Break your list into separate segments or interest groups so you can send relevant content to your customers (“People I met at a trade show,” “People who bought a certain product from us in the past”). Don’t just mix a bunch of different lists together. Before creating your email list,...
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