Author Archives: marketing360


in video marketing

How a Simple Video Skyrocketed Dropbox’s Sales (and How You Can Do The Same)

From two guys with a love of coding to 50 million customers and $257.2 million in funding in a matter of months. Sounds like a fairytale, right? In fact, this is the story of Dropbox, a company consumers didn’t know they needed in 2009 until a simple explainer video showed them what they were missing out on. So how did a single video skyrocket Dropbox from unknown to must-have? Let’s take it back to 2009 and dig in to how this incredible success story played out. First of all, we need to look at the power of video. In an age where people seek out human interactions in a world that’s becoming increasingly online, video adds a personal touch that a page of text simply...

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04 Oct 2016
in Uncategorized

6 Ways to Light a Fire Under Your ‘Tired’ Email List

Don’t settle for low response rates & disappointing sales. Try these techniques 1) Focus on the Most Important Word to Your Readers – “You!” Look, it’s easy to get into the habit of writing about how wonderful your product or company is, and fall into the “me, me, me” trap. “I’ve been working on this product for six whole months!” “I’ve assembled the best team of designers ever!” “I’ve got an advanced degree from Prestige University, and I’m a personal friend of Sir Elton John himself!” And all the while, your readers are thinking, “So what?” Or, more accurately, “What’s in it for me?” They didn’t open your email because they think you’re interesting, or because they want to find out more about your accomplishments....

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02 Nov 2015

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